



Tag Line-



Billing Block-


Secondary Image-

Primary Image-

Release Date-








Straight Cut-

Cross Cut-

Jump Cut-

Shot Reverse Shot-

Reaction Shot-



Slow Motion-



Stunt Work-

Diagetic Sound-

Non-Diagetic Sound-

Sound Bridge-

Ambient Sound-

Sound Effects-







Type of film. Eg- Comedy, Sci-fi, Romance

Elements in the film that make it a certain genre. Eg- Guns and fighting for action.

The literal meaning of a word, image or colour. What it is.

When words, images or colours have a suggested meaning. What it means.

Tells you a bit about the film.

Critics rating of the film.

Who can and cant go and see the film.

Tells you director, producer and basically who made the film.

Name of the film.

Second image, behind the main focus.

First image, main focus which makes an impact.

Tells you when he film comes out.

Everything you can see in the frame. Eg-Setting, characters.

Who the films aimed at, the target audience.

When the lens moves in or out on the subject, to emphasis an emotion or give a sense of space.

When the camera moves, often following the action but the camera is in a fixed position. (Usually on a tripod).

The camera follows the action by moving (on a dolly or track)

When the camera moves up or down to follow the action in the scene but in a fixed position

When the camera is on a crane so it can move above the action or in awkward positions.

Film cut in half, one scene to another.

Cuts from more than one scene.

Breaks continoutly, goes to something completely different.

From 'A', to 'B', back to 'A'.

Cuts to show someones reaction.

Dissolves into a shot, dissolves from one to another.

Fade in-dark to light, Fade out- light to dark.

Film filmed normally, then slowed down.

'Computer Generated Images', special effects.

Fake thing or setting made to look real, with CGI.

Stunt double edited to look like the actor.

Sound the characters can hear, it is within the scene.

Sound which only the audience can hear.

When the sound from one scene runs into the next. They normally happen at the beggining or end of a scene.

The background noise present within the scene, Eg- Car going past a window.

A sound which has been created.

Small fine details. Eg. Mise-en-scene, cinematography.

Major aspects of film. Eg. Genre, Narrative.

Editing technique where shot ends and the next starts (most common technique).

Editing technique where the shot fades to black. This usually occurs at a dramatic moment or at the end.

Editing technique where one scene fades out as another fades in. This can be used to show time has passed.

Editing technique when one shot wipes the other off the screen. The wipe can occur from any direction.

Editing technique where character A is show looking at character B (often off-screen), then the character B is shown looking back at the character A, and the character A is shown again to be looking at character B.