
Mise-en-scene is everything you can see in the frame.
They are:
1). Costumes, hair and make-up-What the actors/actresses are wearing. Eg, jewellery, hats, jackets.
2). Setting and Props- Props are anything an actor touches, and can pick up. Setting is the fixed scenery.
3). Lighting and Colour-If the lighting is bright or not, and what colours are used, which helps set the mood.
4). Facial Expression and Body Language- How the actors feel, and what emotions they show.
5). Placement of Characters-Where the characters are placed in the scene.

Camera-Shot Size and Type

Extreme Long Shot- Shows setting, used to establish time and place.
Long Shot- Whole character in screen, used to focus on body language, action or costume.
Medium Shot- See character from waist up, used to focus on dialogue, and to see more setting and background.
Close Up-See characters face to see emotion or reaction.
Extreme Close Up-Used to show emotion, and focus on one area of the characters face.
Cut In-Shows part of something, but not the complete thing, used to show the main part of something.
High Angle Shot-To show setting, and we are superior to the character, and the character is vulnerable.
Low Angle Shot-To show character is powerful and dominant.
Point of View-To see from characters point of view, normally used to show important prop in the story.
Over the Shoulder-See from over someone's shoulder, to show the main focus, and what is going on.


Diagetic- Sound with-in the scene, sound the characters can hear.
Non-Diagetic-Sound which only the audience can hear.
Ambient Sound-The background noise present with-in the scene.
Sound Bridge-When the sound from one scene runs into the next, this happens at the begging or end of a scene.
Sound Effects-A sound which has been created.


Cut- Where shot ends and the next starts (most common technique).
Dissolve- Where one scene fades out as another fades in. This can be used to show time has passed.
Fade-Where the shot fades to black. This usually occurs at a dramatic moment or at the end
Wipe- when one shot wipes the other off the screen. The wipe can occur from any direction
Shot-reverse-shot-Editing technique where character A is show looking at character B (often off-screen), then the character B is shown looking back at the character A, and the character A is shown again to be looking at character B.